Why the Color of Your Custom Closet Matters

You likely already know that painting different spaces in your home can change the look, feel, and vibe of the space. But, one of the spaces that people don't really think about painting is their closets. There are many reasons why you should consider painting a custom closet, and fortunately, you have many colors to select from. According to Home Decor Bliss, some main brands of paint offer over 3,500 color choices. Here are some of the reasons why color matters when it comes to your closet space.

Enhancing the Look of the Space

One of the most notable reasons why the color of your closet matters is because color has a direct impact on the way a space looks and feels. A lighter color, such as cream, beige, or light gray, can help your closet to look larger and a bit brighter. Darker colors, such as charcoal gray or black, make a space feel smaller and more intimate, while also creating a dramatic look or feel.

Creating the Perfect Backdrop For Clothing

While there are many paint colors you can select from for the walls in your closet, most experts recommend selecting a neutral color. This is because a neutral color helps to create the perfect backdrop for your clothing or accessories. This allows you to see the color of the item as it looks most naturally. Bright or bold colors can reflect on your clothing, which may make you mismatch clothing and accessories.

Helping Your Built-Ins stand Out

Lastly, the color of your custom closet matters because the color you select can help the built-ins in your custom closet stand out. Many people opt for light wall colors and dark shelving or storage solutions, or vice versa, really helping to make the custom features stand out. You've made an investment in the storage solutions, so showcasing them helps to make them a display feature.

The paint colors you select for your custom closet can help to make your closet look larger, create the ideal backdrop for your clothing and accessories, and show off the built-in or custom features that are in place. If you're ready to get started creating the perfect custom closet for your needs, our team would love to work with you. Reach out to Florida Closets & More today and let's work together to maximize your closet space with a custom closet.

Posted 10/16/23


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