How a Custom Closet Allows You to Get the Most Out of Your Wardrobe

Interesting in upgrading to a custom closet? The best closet designs let you get the most out of your wardrobe. According to Organized Interiors, a recent study revealed that most women had unworn clothing items in their closets valuing an estimated $550. This reality is often what happens with too-small or poorly-designed closets that make it difficult to see every clothing item. Fortunately, there are a number of custom closet designs that solve this problem.

There's a Place for Everything

If you have your accessories stored away in a bin because there's no room for them in your closet, it's easy to forget exactly what you have. The same is true of purses and shoes. When there's no real place for non-clothing items, they often get stored somewhere inconvenient. With a custom closet, there's a place for everything.

It's Easier to See What You Have

When your closet has enough space for everything, it's much easier to see what you have. For many people, a closet clean-out often feels like a trip to their favorite boutique. They rediscover items that they forgot about long ago. Prior to the installation of your new custom closet, you'll have the opportunity to thoroughly review your entire wardrobe, including accessories. This organizational process provides a perfect opportunity to purge items that no longer interest you while moving some different pieces into your regular rotation.

Color and Style Organization Methods Are Simple to Implement

Now that your custom closet's been installed and your wardrobe organized, it's time to put everything into your new closet. It's easy to organize your clothes by color, style, or season. And, depending on the size of your overall wardrobe, you might even be able to keep all of your off-season clothes in the same place as the outfits you're currently wearing. This will allow you to have a complete mental inventory of every item you have. No more repeat purchases or spending hours trying to find that favorite sweater that's somehow gone missing.

If your closets aren't working for you anymore, it's time to take a closer look at today's custom closet designs. We can help you enjoy a more organized life and keep track of your entire wardrobe and accessories. Contact us today to schedule a consultation to learn more about our custom closet designs.

Posted: 8/15/2024


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