4 Custom Closet Design Trends in 2022

Most people get frustrated when they have to search for clothes in a disorganized closet with insufficient space. Fortunately, even the messiest and smallest closets can be made visually appealing and spacious. The best way to maximize storage in your closet is to remodel it. If you're ready to embark on a closet renovation project, you should consider some of the latest trends in the industry. Here are some custom closet design trends for 2022.

Vibrant Colors

Your clothing selection should not be the only visually-appealing feature of your closet. Your interior space should also look vibrant. You can add bright colors to the wood spaces dividing the closet. It might not feel beneficial, but you will always enjoy walking there and searching for the best outfits. According to a Closet Maid poll, about 57% of individuals state that having an organized closet can make outfit searching easier. Most people may not access your wardrobe, so it should be a personal project in which you add your favorite colors.

Unique Lighting

You can enhance the appeal of your closet by adding interior lighting as a custom closet design. You can use the LED strip lights, which are cost-effective, easy to install, and they are flexible, thus allowing you to install them in differently spaced closets. These LED lights can be installed on the closet walls, around mirrors, and under every shelf in your closet. You can also add pendant lights that hang off the ceiling to increase visibility and lighting on the floor to illuminate light inside the closet.

Dressing Table

You should invest in a dressing table if your closet misses one. It helps with placing your make-up, accessories, and other items that can pile up in your bedroom. You can ensure it's placed near the closet, and it can relieve your closet the hassle of finding space for your perfumes and body lotion. It's recommended that you use a natural wood table due to its durability and warmness of your closet region.

Mirrored Walls

Inside your closet room, you should install a large mirror on one side of the wall. A mirrored wall ensures you check the outfit you've worn and the accessories. It allows you to determine if you are dressed well or if you need some more style. Most people install mirrors on the doors, but the wall is more convenient and allows you to view yourself fully. You can shut yourself inside the room, prepare and make alterations in front of the mirror before the world can see you.

Walk-in closets are getting popular. If you're interested in one, you should consider sparing an entire room to transform into a closet. The features mentioned above can help you turn a room into a dream closet. If you're ready to begin a project like this, give Florida Closets & More a call today. We look forward to helping you bring your visions to life.


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